Cosmetic Dentistry

If you’re thinking about a cosmetic dental enhancement, you’re not alone. Every year, millions of dental patients across the country seek out this kind of transformation.

If the appearance of your teeth is keeping you from looking and feeling your best, consider cosmetic dentistry. In most cases, a patient can enjoy a fresh new smile in only a few dental visits.

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The Options

Cosmetic dentistry isn’t just about nice teeth. It’s about getting you the healthiest and happiest smile possible. Your smile makeover begins with a simple smile consultation. During your appointment, Dr. Tingey will discuss your preferences and your idea for the perfect smile. He’ll also spend time reviewing your dental history and records and examining your teeth, gums, and occlusion.

Once Dr. Tingey has all the information he needs, he’ll sit down with you to talk about options. Below are just some of the things we can do for your health.

The most common cosmetic dentistry procedure, this technique will make your teeth several shades whiter. Over time, teeth dull and fade making your smile less radiant. With tooth bleaching, your dentist can lighten your teeth dramatically, often in one visit. Heavily stained teeth may take more than one visit, but you will see results immediately. Tooth whitening is one of the simplest ways to enjoy a brighter smile.

If you have lost a tooth, a bridge or partial is a false tooth that will fill in the space left by the missing tooth. In some cases, you can have a fixed bridge that is permanently cemented in your mouth. Other cases require a removable partial denture.

Veneers can solve a great many dental concerns. Veneers are made from a laminate substance that your dentist places directly onto the surface of your teeth. This substance will close gaps in your teeth, instantly improving your smile. Veneers also whiten teeth that are resistant to other whitening procedures such as bonding and bleaching.


North Star Dentistry provides top-notch, full-service dental care to the citizens of Treasure Valley Idaho.